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Titan Quest (2007) Soundtrack

, Титан Квест
Дата 27.12.2009 - 18:35

Scott B. Morton & Michael Verrette - Titan Quest Soundtrack / Титан Квест Саундтрек (2007)

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320 Kb/s, 145 MB

1. Main Title
2. Helos
3. Scorched Earth
4. The Prophecy
5. Arm of the Gods
6. Heroes of the Past
7. Athens
8. Knossos Labyrinth
9. Megalesios
10. Rhakotis Library
11. Abedju
12. Memphis
13. Giza Plateau
14. The Sphinx
15. The Great Pyramid
16. Aktaios
17. Sandswept Roads
18. Temple of Hatshepsut
19. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
20. Temple of Marduk
21. The Silk Road
22. Ice Caverns
23. Over the Great Wall to Chang'Am
24. Zhidan
25. Binxan
26. Praying Warrior
27. Terra Cotta March
28. Jade Palace
29. Ormenos
30. Road to Olympus
31. Battling the Titan
32. Finale
33. When Gods Fall (Credits)
34. Into the Orient
35. Sands of Egypt

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